Contact Address

Rua Julieta Ferrão N.º 12 2º Piso, 202 1600–131 Lisboa, Portugal

Avenida da Liberdade N.º 615
1º Piso 4710-251 Braga, Portugal

Entrar em contacto Get in Touch

Tel.: +351 214 171 161 - Lisboa
Tel.: +351 253 120 734 - Braga
Fax: +351 214 177 610
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)(Call to the national fixed network)



DataSmart has a large team of specialists that have advanced training in computer science.

The high degree of quality of services that DataSmart presents to the market is only possible when combined with professionals of excellence, motivated and dedicated staff, people with team spirit and taste for challenges.

At DataSmart we seek to maintain an informal and close communication channel that enables a constant sharing of objectives, always with special attention to the personal and professional satisfaction of our employees.